Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What a week!

I've been so busy.  My birthday came an went last week and my husband is in the middle of a big schedule change at work so you know that things are just a little insane!  We are preparing for a house full of company next week and  he decided since many of them won't make it back for Christmas in order for them to see the house all done up for Christmas...that's right we have to get all that up and done now.  He has the outside lights up and I have the tree in the garage and I will probably get it up Thursday or Friday.

Thanksgiving will be an Italian meal this year.  No turkey or dressing!  There will be pie though of course.  My brother in law doesn't believe we can have a family meal with pumpkin pie. 

I've begun making my Christmas cards and I have a whole 12 done...I have no clue how many to make so I guess I just keep plugging along.
I'll post some pictures soon of some of the cards I've made.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Where I wish I was this morning!

This is Megan's Bay in St Thomas.  I was there just a month ago.  This is where I wish I was this morning instead of where I will be in an hour.  Today is my annual mammogram...now you know if I have an annual mammogram I'm over 40.  Gotta love all these milestones of aging.  Actually I've had several of these...I'm not telling how many LOL  This aging thing sucks for sure...golden years...not sure why they call it that...
Anyway I'm off subject.  I want to be laying on the beach, soaking up some rays, watching my hubby swim. I want to lay where the water just washes up over my feet every little bit...this is the vision I'm going to stick with as I leave now for my 30 min drive to go have my boobs smashed in a machine that will decide my fate for the next year....you pick...machine or ocean?
Seriously though mammograms save lives so if it's time to schedule yours do it!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The day after Halloween

Good Morning to all the tired parents and sugar high kiddos.  We got little sleep last night...daughter had surgery early this morning and we had to be up early for Hubby to take her to hospital.  Surgery is over and she is in recovery and all is going well.
The awesome little people I watch while their parents work have come in a little tired and dragging this morning....we are watching Micky Mouse and hopefully we will be able to get up and go play here in just a  little bit.  What is your morning after Halloween like?  I know I can expect sugar high kiddos for a few days.  I'll do a low carb diet for the next few days to counter act all the sugar highs LOL